New York Choir 2013

New York Choir 2013
Click on the picture to hear the choir performing in St. John's the Divine Cathedral in New York

SSHS Choir Disney 2014!

SSHS Choir Disney 2014!

Schedule of Events 2014-15

September 14th - Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at the Community Center work 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

September 15th - Clubs Choice Fundraiser begins

September 30th - Final payment for Disney due

November 4th - Disney program performance for the Elementary and Jr. High Choir at 2:45p.m. Public is welcome!

November 6th-12th - Chamber Choir trip to Disney World
November 8th - Choir Workshop at 9:00 a.m.
November 9th - Choir performance at Downtown Disney at 4:00 P.M.
December 16th - Christmas Concert Tues. at 7:00 p.m.


Click on the picture to see a slideshow of our trip!

Monday, August 12, 2013

New York Trip was a success!

Our trip to New York was a blast!  In spite of the difficulties presented by riding a bus (air cond. troubles and a tornado drill!), we had fantastic time in New York!  Students performed often while waiting in lines or waiting for the bus, or at the request of any passerby.  The performance at St. Johns the Divine was breathtaking.   Our tour guide, Micheal, was friendly and helpful in our many tours and stops in the Big Apple.  We loved our musical choices: Phantom of the Opera and Matilda!  Kudos to every student who made the trip and adults who travelled along as well, you were all simply awesome! Be sure to check out our 4 videos of the trip on our youtube video bar link on this site, top right hand corner.

Concert Attire 2013-14


Christmas Concert and Large Group Contest
Jr. High Choir:
Boys - Black pants, White Shirt, Black Shoes
Girls - Black pants or leggings, Black top, Peach School Top

S.H. Choirs - Concerts
Christmas Concert Choir - Robes, black pants and shoes,
Chamber Choir
Boys - Black pants, black shoes, White shirt and colorful tie, Black Pants.
Girls - Black pants or skirt, black shirt, Red Vest
Spring Concert
Jr. High- Colorful Spring Clothing
Concert Choir - Girls School Black Dresses, Boys - Maroon School Shirt and Black Pants

Solo and Ensembles Contest
Colorful spring clothing. No jeans or t-shirts with logos.